cat outside with owner while they plant owners for the spring

7 Spring Cleaning Tips for Pet Owners

Reading Time: 4 MIN

7 Spring Cleaning Tips for Pet Owners

It’s that time of year again! The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and everyone is feeling the urge to do some spring cleaning. If you’re a pet owner, that means it’s time to give your home a good deep clean—but it doesn’t have to be a chore. Here are 7 tips to make spring cleaning with your pet a breeze.

girl sitting on yellow couch with white cat and a beagle

Tip 1: Schedule some playtime before you start cleaning

A tired dog is a good dog, so take your pup for a long walk or play fetch in the yard to tire them out before you start cleaning. This will help them stay calm while you’re busy and less likely to get underfoot. Make sure to pick up after your pet once playtime is over. Put away all of your pet’s toys, beds, food, and water dishes. This will help prevent them from getting in the way while you’re cleaning and make sure they don’t accidentally end up in the garbage. Scoop the litter box and pick up any messes around the house. This will not only help keep your house clean but also prevent your vacuum from getting clogged or dirty.

Benebone Dog Chew Toy - Wishbone - Bacon

Tip 2: Vacuum regularly. Not just during spring cleaning!

.Pets shed, which means there’s likely pet hair lurking in every corner of your home. Invest in a good vacuum cleaner and make sure to vacuum regularly—not just when it’s time to do a deep clean. Get rid of pet hair as soon as possible. If your pet sheds a lot—particularly if they have long fur—it can be difficult to get all the hair out of carpets and furniture once it’s been shed. Invest in a lint roller or other tool specifically designed for picking up pet hair before spring cleaning starts. This will help keep pet hair at bay and make spring cleaning easier.

Tip 3: Deep clean your pet’s favorite spots

Pets tend to spend a lot of time in certain areas of the house, so those areas will likely need a deeper cleaning than others. Pay special attention to places like your pet’s bed, their favorite chair, and any carpeted areas where they spend time. Is their favorite spot at the end of your bed? Make sure to regularly wash your New York Made Stain & Odor Remover Urine Destroyer - Honeysucklecomforter as well!

Tip 4: Wash all of your pet’s bedding and toys

black white cat inside a washing machine
Don’t actually put your pet in the washing machine. Just thought this cat looked adorable.

Your pet’s bedding should be washed at least once a month, but more often if they’re prone to accidents or have allergies. Spring cleaning is the perfect time to freshen up their bedding and make sure it’s clean and comfortable for them to sleep on. Also, washing your pet’s toys!  Toys can collect a lot of dirt, saliva, and germs over time. Wash them all with soap and hot water or even throw them in the washer to make sure they’re hygienic for your pet.

Tip 5: Spring cleaning includes the outdoors

Don’t forget about the outdoors. If you have a yard, now is the time to start getting it ready for summertime barbecues and parties—but don’t forget about Fido! Make sure their outdoor space is clean and safe by picking up any debris, checking for holes in fences, and removing any hazards like poisonous plants or harmful insects. Check for fleas and ticks regularly. No one wants pests in their home, so make sure to check your pets for fleas. For some areas of the United States, flea and tick season is year-round. But for other areas, flea and tick season starts in February and March, when the weather starts getting warmer. Start paying attention to your dog’s scratching or itching habits. They may have fleas, and if undetected, the fleas can get in your home.

Elanco Seresto Flea And Tick Collar - Large Dog

Tip 6: Bath time

Give your pet a bath (or two). Pets can track dirt and grime into the house no matter how much you vacuum, so it’s important to give them regular baths—especially during springtime when they’re likely tracking in more mud and pollen than usual. Bath time is also a great opportunity to check for fleas or ticks and address any other health concerns you may have about your furry friend.

Tip 7: Schedule a vet appointment

It’s always important to keep up with your pet’s regular vet appointments, but it may be especially beneficial during springtime. Your vet can help you assess your pet’s overall health and determine if he or she might need any additional treatments or medications due to seasonal allergies. They can also check

Springtime is the perfect time to give your home—and your pet—a fresh start. By following these simple tips, you can make spring cleaning with your pet easy and even enjoyable!

Shop More Cleaning Products to Help with Spring Cleaning

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Janae

    I love this! I hired a pooper scooper to tackle tip 5, but looking for all the tips to keep my home interior clean and tidy! Thanks for sharing this.

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