Meet the Expert
Theresa DePorter is a board certified diplomate in the American College of VeterinaryBehaviorists (ACVB) and the European College of Animal Welfare and BehaviouralMedicine (ECAWBM). She received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Purdue University in 1992. She has been seeing behavior consultations at OaklandVeterinary Referral Services in metropolitan Detroit, Michigan, since 2004.Presented to veterinarians in 10 countries including France, Slovakia, China and UAE.Mentored residents in Switzerland, UAE and US. Theresa DePorter has been a member of the “Voice of the Cat Advisory Panel” for Church & Dwight. She is also a member of the Fear Free Advisory Group. Dr. DePorter has authored chapters on feline aggression, car ride anxiety, pheromones and psychopharmacology. Research interests include anxiolytic nutraceuticals, pheromones and aggression between housemate cats.
Specific publications:
- 2021 AAHA/AAFP Feline Life Stage Guidelines. J Quimby J, Gowland S, Carney HC, DePorter T, Plummer P, Westropp J. J Feline Med Surg. 2021 Mar;23(3):211-233. doi: 10.1177/1098612X21993657. Erratum in: J Feline Med Surg. 2021 Aug;23(8):NP3.
PMID: 33627003. - Co-Author “Feline aggression” in 3 rd edition of “Behaviour Problems of the Dog and Cat” by Landsberg et al.
- Feline Behavioral Medicine (Elsevier) Ilona Rodan & Sarah Heath. The chapters: “Use of pheromones in feline practice” and co-author chapter “Tools of the trade: Psychopharmacology and Nutrition”
- Chapter on “Prevention and management of stress in pet cats in the home environment” ISFM Pocket Guide to Feline Stress and Health
- Authored 9 chapters on Feline Aggression in Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Canine and Feline Behavior, Second Edition by Debra Horwitz